Friday, September 17, 2010

How to train a dragon!
Where: The home of Mrs. Linda Foreback
2773 Cortina Dr. Madison, WI
When: Saturday October 9th, 2010
Who: women warriors
there is room for only 12 so reserve your seat today!

Every dragon has to bow to your command everytime! 
We want to show you how to be sure they do! 
Find out what a dragon really is! 
Find out how to be sure they bow!
Find out why they have to obey!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Personal, Traditional or Church standards

This week, based on my Pastors kind instructional sermon, I discovered the difference between something I hold as a standard personally and what is a Traditional or family standard or church standard.
My church standards demand that I honor the truth that the Word of God as infallible, that Christ is God and all things have been made for and by Him! That Jesus is the Son of God and was slain to pay the debt of sin for all mankind once and for all.
My family standards are not such that I can hold many of them dear. But there are somethings that I have developed as a result of family standards such as the gift of hospitality. Both my grandmothers were very different but both knew how to honor their guests. My father honored me by a standing Saturday night date for 7 years! "No jeans", he'd say, "At least look like you care or we are not going." I always wore a dress and a smile! Daddy was good as making me feel like every date was an event! He always included a good dose of laughter! So I learned that really bonding with my children and making a really good relationship with them demands devoted time and a little fun! When I was 13 years old, I over heard Daddy cancel a trip to Brazil to go camping with me because he said "I am concerned about some decisions she may be making". He stayed that weekend and we went camping and Daddy stayed up all night debating the relevance of the Bible with a 13 year old girl. I was honored and felt the most important thing Daddy had on his schedule. That weekend set a precedence in my heart that lasts to this day!
And then there are somethings that I get to decide. Do I drink a glass of wine with dinner?  A glass of wine with dinner will not send me to hell! Oh wait for it!!!! Do you hear the shattering of the religion that has governed some of us? hear it another, sacred cow tipped?
You can drink a glass a wine and still have a secure relationship with Jesus. Do you decide or judge the righteousness of another based on their personal standards? Is that your right?  If someone you know smokes, for example, do you have the self righteous audacity to decide whether that smoker is in right standing with God? Are they qualified based on the standards they have set for themselves?
I can hear the cadence of a new revolution! Let FREEDOM ring! We all get to decide what are the standards that shape our personal lives. What character do we show others. What are the things that mean very little and what are the things that mean everything? But the bottom line is,WE DECIDE FOR OURSELVES. Hopefully we decide out of the abundance of our love relationship with Jesus and I believe we do.
Freedom from religion for those of us that love our Savior would mean that we can let others learn to love him free from our judgement and free from our playing Holy Spirit! Freedom means that we quit judging ourselves based on our performance and move into the freedom of living out of the abundance of a loving relationship with the ONE who loved us FULLY first!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Revolution means a sudden, lasting & complete change!!

One woman betrayed by six perpetrators by age 18. A teenage run away. Anorexic. Shot at three times. Domestic violence victim. Homeless.Stalked and terrorized. Brutally raped. Beaten, tied up and left for dead. Clinically depressed. PTSD. Addicted to pain pills and alcohol. 

 Then the revolution!!!!! 

Now she lives a happy, full and UNSCARRED life free from pain, past haunts, anorexia, worry & addiction! She enjoys a happy, healthy marriage and is raising a contented daughter. One encounter changes EVERYTHING! 

Find out how it is possible in ONE meeting to 
experience permanent change.
September 11, 2010 

Where: Capitoland Christian Center
3651 Maple Grove Dr.,  Madison, WI
(608) 845-5433      

When: 10:00 am to 12 noon
Who: women 16 and older
           Free of charge!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


according to Webster's dictionary: revolutionary is defined: radically new or innovative; outside or beyond establishedprocedure, principles, a sudden, complete, or marked change. 

synonyms:  unprecedented, novel, drastic, unorthodox

according to Webster's dictionary: war is defined: as a state or period of armed hostility or active military operations: a contest carried on by force of arms, as in a series of battles or campaigns. an active hostility or contention; conflict; contest, armed fighting, as a science, profession, activity, or art;methods or principles of waging armed conflict.

Biblical War Definition

 The Israelites had to take possession
 of the Promised Land by conquest. They 
had to engage in a long and bloody war 
before theCanaanitish tribes were finally 
subdued. Except in the case ofJericho and
 Ai, the war did not become aggressive 
till after thedeath of Joshua. Till then the
 attack was always first made by the
Canaanites. Now the measure of the
 iniquity of the Canaanites wasfull, and
 Israel was employed by God to sweep
 them away from offthe face of the earth.
 In entering on this new stage of the war, 
thetribe of Judah, according to divine direction,
 took the lead. In thedays of Saul and David 
the people of Israel engaged in many wars
ith the nations around, and after the
division of the kingdom intotwo they 
often warred with each other. They had 
to defendthemselves also against the inroads 
of the Egyptians, the Assyrians,and the 
Babylonians. The whole history of Israel from
 first to lastpresents but few periods of peace.
 The Christian life is representedas a warfare, 
and the Christian graces are also represented 
underthe figure of pieces of armour 
(Eph. 6:11-17; 1 Thess. 5:8; 2 Tim.2:3, 4).
 The final blessedness of believers is attained 
as the fruit ofvictory (Rev. 3:21).
Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary 
Matthew 11:12 (AMP)
12And from the days of John the Baptist until the present time, the kingdom of heaven has endured violent assault, and violent men seize it by force [as a precious prize--a share in the heavenly kingdom is sought with most ardent zeal and intense exertion]